
Developer's Guide


This guide is an introduction to the im4java-library. You should be familiar with java-programming and should know how to read the API documentation. Also, this is no guide for the usage of the underlying tools (ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick and so on). You should be familiar with them and know how to read the respective documentation.

The basic architecture of im4java is quite simple. It boils down to calling all underlying tools simply by using a ProcessBuilder-object. All the magic of im4java ist to hide the complexities. If you have just one simple call of an external tool in your program, you might be better of by hardcoding the ProcessBuilder-call yourself. If you don't need the simplicity or the advanced features of the im4java-library, your code will certainly be faster and more efficient.

Before you begin: Setting up the Environment

To use the im4java-library, you should add the im4java-jarfile to you classpath. This is the first part of the setup. The second part is optional and only necessary, if the tools you want to use (e.g. convert or exiftool) are not on your PATH. This is typically a problem on Windows-systems.

To setup your searchpath for the tools you have three options:

  • Set the environment-variable IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH. This variable should contain a list of directories to search for your tools separated by your platform-pathdelemiter (on *NIX typically ":", on Windows ";").
  • Globally set the searchpath from within your java-progam:
    String myPath="C:\\Programs\\ImageMagick;C:\\Programs\\exiftool";
    This will override any values set with IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH.
  • Set the search path for an individual command:
    String imPath="C:\\Programs\\ImageMagick";
    ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd();
    This will override any values set with IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH or with ProcessStarter.setGlobalSearchPath().
Note that I also encountered a problem using OpenJDK with a language-setting of LANG=de_DE.UTF-8. With LANG=C everything worked fine. With SUN's JDK, there were no problems regardless of the language-setting.

Simple Use

Basically, to use im4java, you need objects of two classes: an ImageCommand like ConvertCmd, and an Operation like IMOperation. The ImageCommand is more or less static, you would create an instance once and reuse it for the lifetime of your program. Exceptions to this rule are more advanced use cases, see the section below about parallel processing. In contrast, the Operation is the object wrapping all the commandline options you intend to pass to the given command. So you would typically create one Operation for every action (resizing, conversion) you intend to do.

As an example, consider resizing an image:

// create command
ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd();

// create the operation, add images and operators/options
IMOperation op = new IMOperation();

// execute the operation;

About ImageCommand

All command-classes subclass ImageCommand, which itself subclasses org.im4java.process.ProcessStarter. The latter class wraps java.lang.ProcessBuilder, handles input and output streams and supports asynchronous execution.

The ImageCommand class adds methods useful for all command-classes, things like support for reusing operations or for dynamic operations.

Note that ImageCommand is not stateless. In the default setting, it captures everything written to stderr. It also holds an internal process ID (unrelated to any operating system PID) via ProcessStarter. Nevertheless, if you only use the ImageCommand in synchronous mode, you can reuse the instance.

Using GraphicsMagick

GraphicsMagick is a fork of ImageMagick. GraphicsMagick has a number of advantages compared to ImageMagick, the most prominent is it's superior performance. Since the fork ImageMagick has improved the expressive power of it's command-line syntax, therefore, an ImageMagick commandline is not necessarely compatible with GraphicsMagick. But for most single-operation conversions it still is.

With im4java, you have three options if you want to use GraphicsMagick:

  • use GraphicsMagick explicitely, passing the command at object-creation: GraphicsMagickCmd cmd = new GraphicsMagickCmd("convert");.
  • use GraphicsMagick explicitely, using wrapper classes: ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd(true);.
  • decide at runtime: setting the system-property im4java.useGM to true will select GraphicsMagick at runtime. You can use this feature to compare the results and timings of both toolsets, provided that the commandline is compatible.

Reusing Operations

In the example above, image-names were hard-coded. The im4java-library supports an alternative use. Instead of hard-coding the image-names, you just add placeholders and resolve the image-names at execution time. This allows the reuse of operations for example within a loop.

The following example extends the example of the first section and loops over all images passed as method parameters:

public void resizeImages(String... pImageNames) {
  // create command
  ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd();

  // create the operation, add images and operators/options
  IMOperation op = new IMOperation();

  for (String srcImage:pImageNames) {
    int lastDot = srcImage.lastIndexOf('.');
    String dstImage = 

You can pass an arbitrary number of image-names to, you can even pass an array of image-names. In the latter case you have to cast the array to Object[], e.g.,(Object[]) imgNames).

Note that op.addImage() is actually a short form for op.addImage(Operation.IMG_PLACEHOLDER). You can also add more than one placeholder at the same time with op.addImage(int count).

The op.addImage(String... images)-method also supports ImageMagick's read-modifiers. Adding a read-modifier for hard-coded images is of course straightforward (you just add it to the argument string). For placeholders, you add only the read-modifier. The following two lines of code therefore have the same effect:


The test-case class org.im4java.test.TestCase7 uses read-modifiers to crop the source-images prior to composing them:

IMOperation op = new IMOperation();
op.addImage("[300x200+0+0]");  // read and crop first image
op.addImage("[300x200+0+0]");  // read and crop second image
op.addImage();                 // output image

CompositeCmd composite = new CompositeCmd();,"rose1.jpg","rose2.jpg",outfile);

Adding Operations to Operations

Im4java supports a second variant of operation-reuse. You can define one Operation and just add it to another one. The following snippet defines a rotate-resize-frame-operation and adds it to another operation:

IMOperation frame = new IMOperation();

IMOperation row = new IMOperation();

Adding operations as just described is valid for all supported im4java-tools. ImageMagick additionally supports options and operations within parenthesis thus limiting the effect of settings and operators on everything within the parenthesis. You add parenthesis with the methods op.openOperation() and op.closeOperation():

IMOperation frame = new IMOperation();

An alternatative way of coding this is:

IMOperation frame = new IMOperation();

IMOperation row = new IMOperation();

The op.addSubOperation()-method just adds the surrounding parenthesis.

Dynamic Operations

Dynamic Operations are an advanced technique. Sometimes you only want to apply some operations to images fulfilling some requirements. ImageMagick itself has some special option-flags for this purpose, e.g. an image is only scaled (down) if it has a larger size than the target-size. For special cases not directly supported by ImageMagick, you can make use of im4java's Dynamic Operations. Basically, you implement the interface org.im4java.core.DynamicOperation, which has exactly one method resolveOperation(). At execution time, this method gets all argument images passed as parameters, and it must return an Operation. The returned object could also be null, in this case no Operation is added.

The test-case class org.im4java.test.TestCase11 shows an example of dynamic operations. In this case, the despeckle() method is only added for images with a high iso-noise level.

Capturing Output

The default behaviour of all ImageCommands is to pass all output of the wrapped commands to stdout, and to capture everything from stderr in an CommandException-object. You can change this behaviour with the methods ImageCommand.setOutputConsumer(OutputConsumer oc) and ImageCommand.setErrorConsumer(ErrorConsumer ec). Both OutputConsumer and ErrorConsumer are interfaces in the org.im4java.process-package with single methods (consumeOutput() and consumeError()). These methods just read everything from the argument InputStream.

In the process-package there is an utility-class called ArrayListOutputConsumer which collects all lines of output in a String-array.


Most commandline tools allow piping of input or output. With the im4java-library you can create instances of org.im4java.process.Pipe to mimic this behaviour. This class implements the OutputConsumer and ErrorConsumer-interfaces mentioned above and are useful for piping the output of a commandline tool to an OutputStream (e.g. a network-socket). To use the pipe, instantiate it with an OutputStream and use the method ImageCommand.setOutputConsumer(pipe).

If you want to provide input to stdin of a commandline tool, you have to create a pipe-object initialized with an InputStream and use the method ImageCommand.setInputProvider(pipe). The pipe will read from the InputStream and write to the stdin of the respective ImageCommand.

The test-case org.im4java.test.TestCase10 features pipes, reading from one image and writing to another. In real-life, you would of course process the files directly, but the example just wants to demonstrate what to do:

 IMOperation op = new IMOperation();
 op.addImage("-");                   // read from stdin
 op.addImage("tif:-");               // write to stdout in tif-format

// set up pipe(s): you can use one or two pipe objects
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(iImageDir+"ipomoea.jpg");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(iImageDir+"ipomoea.tif");
// Pipe pipe = new Pipe(fis,fos);
Pipe pipeIn  = new Pipe(fis,null);
Pipe pipeOut = new Pipe(null,fos);

// set up command
ConvertCmd convert = new ConvertCmd();

Using BufferedImages

A BufferedImage is in a way the java native representation of an image-object. No commandline tool can deal directly with a BufferedImage. The good news is that im4java uses objects of type BufferedImage transparently, if you use pass these objects at invocation time:

IMOperation op = new IMOperation();
op.addImage();                        // input
op.addImage();                        // output

ConvertCmd convert = new ConvertCmd();
BufferedImage img = ...;
String outfile = ...;

Note that the above use of BufferedImages works fine for input-images. If you need to write to a BufferedImage, you must pipe the output of the commandline-tool to stdout, create an instance of the class org.im4java.core.Stream2BufferedImage and set it as the OutputConsumer of the command:

IMOperation op = new IMOperation();
op.addImage();                        // input
op.addImage("png:-");                 // output: stdout
images = ...;	
// set up command
ConvertCmd convert = new ConvertCmd();
Stream2BufferedImage s2b = new Stream2BufferedImage();

// run command and extract BufferedImage from OutputConsumer,(Object[]) images);
BufferedImage img = s2b.getImage();

Asynchronous Execution

Long running operations belong into a seperate thread, especially in graphical applications. The im4java-library supports asynchronous execution with and without callbacks.

The latter case is simple (fire-and-forget). Befor you start the command, you just set the aynchronous-mode to true:

ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd();

In this case, you will know nothing about success or failure. If you need feedback (e.g. because you want to asynchronously convert a file and load the result into a window), you must write a class implementing the interface org.im4java.process.ProcessEventListener. This interface defines three methods: processInitiated(), processStarted() and processTerminated(). The first method is called synchronously from the original thread calling the run-method, the latter two methods are callbacks from the asynchronous thread. See org.im4java.test.TestCase16 for a complete example.

With cmd.setAsyncMode(true) you only need minimal code-changes for asynchronous execution. If you prefer to control the flow of execution yourself, you could use some standard methods from java.util.concurrent to control execution:

ProcessTask pt = cmd.getProcessTask(op);
ExecutorService exec = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

The test-case 16a will give you a complete example. The third variant, test-case 16b replaces the standard executor returned by Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() with an instance of class org.im4java.process.ProcessExecutor. For a discussion of this class, proceed to the next section.

Parallel Processing

The use case described above is fine for typical graphical applications with one asynchronous thread. In contrast, if you want to convert a number of files asynchronously, additional problems arise. Consider the following piece of code:

// load images into an array, e.g. from a directoy
ArrayList<String> images = load(myDir);

// convert all images
ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd();
Operation op = ...;
for (String img:images) {
  String outfile = ...;,img,outfile);

Although this will run perfectly fine, this code will flood your system with parallel convert-processes, making your system unusable for a while. So one of the issues is ressource management. Another issue is that you don't know when you are finished. In addition, you don't know which of your conversions succeeded and which failed.

The following sections deal with these three issues. This is advanced stuff, and you might not even need it. If you have to convert multiple images, you could first try to use the class org.im4java.utils.BatchConverter, which uses the building blocks described below. The class BatchConverter is covered here.

The ProcessExecutor

The classes in java.util.concurrent address these issues. All classes returned by the factory class java.util.concurrent.Executors operate on threads. They provide methods to queue and start requests up to a given limit, and also allow you to stop the queue and destroy running threads.

There is one big drawback with these thread-based executors. Once an ImageCommand is running within a java-thread, the thread will not be killable due to the active process. Therefore you should not use any of the standard executors, but use an instance of the class org.im4java.process.ProcessExecutor. A basic usage is very simple, the example above then looks like this:

// load images into an array, e.g. from a directoy
ArrayList<String> images = load(myDir);

// convert all images
ProcessExecutor exec = new ProcessExecutor();
Operation op = ...;
for (String img:images) {
  String outfile = ...;
  ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd();
  ProcessTask pt = cmd.getProcessTask(op,img,outfile);

The default constructor of ProcessExecutor will query the number of processors on the system and limit the number of parallel running processes to that number. You can also pass an integer to the constructor if you want to set the limit yourself.

The class ProcessTask extends java.util.concurrent.FutureTask. You can use all the standard methods of this class, e.g. to query results or to wait for termination.

Waiting for process termination

It is usually important to know when your processes have finished, maybe to give feedback to a user by updating a progress bar or to start some follow-up activity. If the processes take too long, you might also consider killing them.

Since ProcessExecutor extends java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor, you can use the standard methods provided by this class. If you want to block until your processes terminate, you would use the following code snippet (this one extends the example above):

ProcessExecutor exec = new ProcessExecutor();
for (String img:images) {
if (exec.awaitTermination(10,TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
  System.err.println("processes terminated on their own");
} else {
  System.err.println("trying to cancel all running processes ...");

As an alternative to the blocking awaitTermination()-call you could also subclass ProcessExecutor and implement it's terminated()-method. Then you will receive a callback once all processes have terminated.

One final warning: the code implementing the parallel processing of commands is new and therefore untested in the wild. During development, a number of race-conditions came up (and were solved), but feedback on stability, functionality and implementation is highly welcome.

Exit status of finished asynchronous processes

The last issue with asynchronous processes is the exit status. For a single asynchronous process this is quite simple, you would implement a ProcessEventListener and use it's processTerminated()-method (see the section Asynchronous Execution above).

For multiple parallel process the situation is a bit more complicated. You have to link the processTerminated-event with the correct process. The class ProcessEvent implements a number of methods which help to identify the process. One is ProcessEvent.getPID(). The PID is an internal field of each ImageCommand. You can set this field explicitly overriding the PID set during object-creation. You can also query the ImageCommand object itself with ProcessEvent.getProcessStarter() (remenber that ProcessStarter is the base-class of ImageCommand).

For a complete example using these methods, see the class org.im4java.test.TestCase21.


This section describes a number of utility-classes which facilitate the coding.

Image Information

If you only want to query image-information (e.g. width and height), you could typically use the class IdentifyCmd, wrapping ImageMagick's identify-command. Instead of using this class directly, you could instead use the Info class. The following code-snippet demonstrates its use:

Info imageInfo = new Info(filename,true);
System.out.println("Format: " + imageInfo.getImageFormat());
System.out.println("Width: " + imageInfo.getImageWidth());
System.out.println("Height: " + imageInfo.getImageHeight());
System.out.println("Geometry: " + imageInfo.getImageGeometry());
System.out.println("Depth: " + imageInfo.getImageDepth());
System.out.println("Class: " + imageInfo.getImageClass());

The second parameter (true) in the example requests basic-information. This is a bit faster than requesting and parsing the complete (verbose) output of the class IndentifyCmd. See the test-case class org.im4java.test.TestCase8 for a complete example.

Prior to version 1.3.0 the implementation of the Info-class was severely flawed. It did not take into account that there are image-formats like TIF or GIF that support multiple images (ImageMagick calls them scenes) within a single file. As a consequence, the method


returns the image-width of the first scene (from basic-information), whereas the method


will return the image-width of the last scene (from complete information). Starting with version 1.3.0, there are new methods with an additional parameter, the scene-number, e.g.


To query the number of scenes use the method getSceneCount(). Note that information about multiple scenes is only available with complete-information.

Note that parsing the output of identify -verbose is inherently flawed, since this output is meant to be human-readable and not an an interface for computer programs. The parser makes a number of assumptions about the output, some of them are known to be incorrect in special situations (e.g. multi-line attribute-values with embedded colons). Also note that basic-information should always be correct, since it uses a different method to aquire the information. As an alternative to the Info-class you might consider using the wrapper class ExiftoolCmd for exiftool.


The class org.im4java.utils.FilenameLoader is useful for batch-processing a number of files from a directory. The core method is public List<String> loadFilenames(String pDir). It loads all files from the given directory into a list of strings.

The constructor accepts an ExtensionFilter. You can instantiate your own filter as in the example below or use one of the predefined filters of the ExtensionFilter-class.

ExtensionFilter filter = new ExtensionFilter("jpg");
FilenameLoader  loader = new FilenameLoader(filter);
List<String> files = loader.loadFilenames(mydir);

As always, you should check the API-documentation for all the features of this class.


When converting multiple files, the target filename usually depends on the source filename. For example a standard conversion from jpg to tif would keep the filename and just change the extension. Or all converted files should additionally go to a separate directory.

This is where the class org.im4java.utils.FilenamePatternResolver is useful. The following snippet will convert all argument-files to tif.

// define operation and command
IMOperation op = new IMOperation();
op.addImage();                         // input-file
op.addImage();                         // output-file
ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd();

// load files
ExtensionFilter filter = new ExtensionFilter("jpg");
FilenameLoader  loader = new FilenameLoader(filter);
List<String> files = loader.loadFilenames(mydir);

// create the resolver
FilenamePatternResolver resolver = 
    new FilenamePatternResolver("%P/%f.tif");

// now iterate over all files
for (String img:files) {,img,resolver.createName(img));

The FilenamePatternResolver recognizes the following escape-sequences within it's pattern:

  • %P: full pathname of source-image (i.e. the directory)
  • %p: last component of %P
  • %F: full filename without directory part
  • %f: filename without directory part and extension
  • %e: only the extension
  • %D: drive-letter (on windows systems). Not available for source-files with an UNC-name.


The class org.im4java.utils.BatchConverter is a utility-class for client-applications. It will convert a given list of files in parallel making use of all available processors to speed up execution. It is not well suited for web-applications, since you don't want a single request to use up all of your ressources.

Usage of this utility-class is straightforward. First you load your files into a List. This could be from a GUI-application where a user selects multiple files. Or the list could contain all files from a given directory (see the section FilenameLoader above).

 ExtensionFilter filter = new ExtensionFilter("jpg");
 FilenameLoader loader =  new FilenameLoader(filter);
 List<String> images=loader.loadFilenames(dir);

After you have the list, you create your BatchConverter and use it's run()-method to process the images:

// create a simple thumbnail operation
op = new IMOperation();
op.addImage();     // placeholder input filename
op.addImage();     // placeholder output filename

// create a template for the output-files:
// we put them in targetDir with the same filename as the original
// images
String template=targetDir+"%F";

// create instance of BatchConverter and convert images
BatchConverter bc = new BatchConverter(BatchConverter.Mode.PARALLEL);,images,targetDir+"%F");

Since BatchConverter extends ProcessExecutor, you can use the methods described in the section about process termination to wait for the termination of the command (note that the shutdown()-method is called automatically).

The class BatchConverter knows three modes of operation: BatchConverter.SEQUENTIAL, BatchConverter.PARALLEL and BatchConverter.BATCH. The first mode is more or less for benchmarking the other two, it converts the images one after another sequentially. The second mode uses parallel processing, it runs in it's default setting on all available processors. The last mode uses convert's ability to process more than one image at the same time:

convert image1.jpg image2.jpg target_%d.tif
mv target_1.tif image1.tif
mv target_2.tif image2.tif

On modern computers with more than one processor BatchConverter.PARALLEL should be the fastest. If only one (real) processor is available, BatchConverter.BATCH should make the game.

For a complete example see TestCase22. This test-case subclasses BatchConverter and uses the terminated()-method to receive a callback after termination. After termination, the callback-methods uses the getFailedConversions()-method of BatchConverter to query a list of BatchConverter.ConvertException-objects. These objects wrap the cause and the index of the image responsible of the failure.


Since version 1.0 im4java has a new method ImageCommand.createScript() to aid in debugging:

IMOperation op = new IMOperation();
ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd();

This will dump your command and operation to a script-file. You should change the execution-permission of the file and try the script to make sure that you in fact generate the commandline you intend to use.

Note that on windows-platforms, createScript()-method will automatically add the extension .cmd to the filename passed to the method.