The im4java Library, Version 1.4.0

Class NoiseFilter.Edge

  extended by org.im4java.core.Operation
      extended by org.im4java.core.IMOps
          extended by org.im4java.core.IMOperation
              extended by org.im4java.utils.NoiseFilter
                  extended by org.im4java.utils.NoiseFilter.Edge
Enclosing class:

public static class NoiseFilter.Edge
extends NoiseFilter

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.im4java.utils.NoiseFilter
NoiseFilter.Edge, NoiseFilter.Level, NoiseFilter.Threshold
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.im4java.core.Operation
Constructor Summary
NoiseFilter.Edge(IMOperation pOperation, double pRadius)
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.im4java.core.IMOperation
addSubOperation, appendHorizontally, appendVertically, closeOperation, haldClut, openOperation
Methods inherited from class org.im4java.core.IMOps
adaptiveBlur, adaptiveBlur, adaptiveBlur, adaptiveResize, adaptiveResize, adaptiveResize, adaptiveResize, adaptiveResize, adaptiveSharpen, adaptiveSharpen, adaptiveSharpen, adjoin, affine, affine, affine, affine, affine, affine, affine, alpha, alpha, annotate, annotate, annotate, annotate, annotate, annotate, antialias, append, attenuate, attenuate, authenticate, authenticate, autoGamma, autoLevel, autoOrient, average, backdrop, backdrop, background, background, bench, bench, bias, bias, bias, blackPointCompensation, blackThreshold, blackThreshold, blackThreshold, blend, blend, blend, bluePrimary, bluePrimary, bluePrimary, blueShift, blueShift, blur, blur, blur, border, border, border, bordercolor, bordercolor, borderwidth, borderwidth, borderwidth, borderwidth, borderwidth, brightnessContrast, brightnessContrast, brightnessContrast, brightnessContrast, cache, cache, caption, caption, cdl, cdl, channel, channel, charcoal, charcoal, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, clamp, clip, clipMask, clipPath, clipPath, clone, clone, clone, clone, clone, clut, coalesce, colorize, colorize, colorize, colorize, colormap, colormap, colorMatrix, colorMatrix, colors, colors, colorspace, colorspace, combine, comment, comment, compose, compose, composite, compress, compress, contrast, contrastStretch, contrastStretch, contrastStretch, contrastStretch, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, convolve, crop, crop, crop, crop, crop, crop, crop, cycle, cycle, debug, debug, decipher, decipher, deconstruct, define, define, delay, delay, delay, delay, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, density, density, density, depth, depth, descend, deskew, deskew, despeckle, direction, direction, displace, displace, displace, display, display, display, display, dispose, dispose, dissimilarityThreshold, dissimilarityThreshold, dissolve, dissolve, distort, distort, distort, dither, dither, draw, draw, duplicate, duplicate, duplicate, edge, edge, emboss, emboss, encipher, encipher, encoding, encoding, endian, endian, enhance, equalize, evaluate, evaluate, evaluate, evaluateSequence, evaluateSequence, extent, extent, extent, extent, extent, extract, extract, extract, extract, extract, family, family, features, features, fft, fill, fill, filter, filter, flatten, flip, floodfill, floodfill, floodfill, floodfill, flop, font, font, foreground, foreground, format, format, frame, frame, frame, frame, frame, function, function, function, fuzz, fuzz, fuzz, fx, fx, gamma, gamma, gaussianBlur, gaussianBlur, gaussianBlur, geometry, geometry, geometry, geometry, geometry, gravity, gravity, greenPrimary, greenPrimary, greenPrimary, haldClut, help, highlightColor, highlightColor, iconGeometry, iconGeometry, iconGeometry, iconGeometry, iconGeometry, iconic, identify, ift, immutable, implode, implode, insert, insert, intent, intent, interlace, interlace, interlineSpacing, interlineSpacing, interpolate, interpolate, interwordSpacing, interwordSpacing, kerning, kerning, label, label, lat, lat, lat, lat, lat, layers, layers, level, level, level, level, level, levelColors, levelColors, levelColors, limit, limit, linearStretch, linearStretch, linearStretch, linearStretch, linewidth, liquidRescale, liquidRescale, liquidRescale, liquidRescale, liquidRescale, list, list, log, log, loop, loop, lowlightColor, lowlightColor, magnify, magnify, map, map, mask, mask, mattecolor, mattecolor, median, median, metric, metric, mode, mode, modulate, modulate, modulate, modulate, monitor, monochrome, morph, morph, morphology, morphology, morphology, mosaic, motionBlur, motionBlur, motionBlur, motionBlur, name, negate, noise, noise, normalize, opaque, opaque, orderedDither, orderedDither, orderedDither, orient, orient, p_adjoin, p_antialias, p_append, p_channel, p_clipPath, p_clipPath, p_clone, p_compress, p_contrast, p_debug, p_define, p_define, p_delete, p_dispose, p_distort, p_distort, p_distort, p_dither, p_duplicate, p_endian, p_gamma, p_gamma, p_label, p_level, p_level, p_level, p_level, p_level, p_levelColors, p_levelColors, p_levelColors, p_map, p_mask, p_negate, p_noise, p_noise, p_opaque, p_opaque, p_page, p_polaroid, p_profile, p_profile, p_raise, p_raise, p_raise, p_remap, p_render, p_repage, p_shade, p_shade, p_shade, p_sigmoidalContrast, p_sigmoidalContrast, p_sigmoidalContrast, p_swap, p_write, p_write, page, page, page, page, page, page, page, paint, paint, passphrase, passphrase, path, path, pause, pause, perceptible, perceptible, ping, pointsize, pointsize, polaroid, polaroid, poly, poly, posterize, posterize, precision, precision, preview, preview, print, print, process, process, profile, profile, quality, quality, quantize, quantize, quiet, radialBlur, radialBlur, raise, raise, raise, randomThreshold, randomThreshold, randomThreshold, randomThreshold, recolor, recolor, redPrimary, redPrimary, redPrimary, regardWarnings, region, region, region, region, region, remap, remap, remote, render, repage, repage, repage, repage, repage, resample, resample, resample, resize, resize, resize, resize, resize, respectParentheses, respectParenthesis, reverse, roll, roll, roll, rotate, rotate, rotate, sample, sample, sample, sample, sample, samplingFactor, samplingFactor, samplingFactor, scale, scale, scale, scale, scale, scene, scene, screen, seed, segment, segment, segment, selectiveBlur, selectiveBlur, selectiveBlur, selectiveBlur, separate, sepiaTone, sepiaTone, set, set, set, shade, shade, shade, shadow, shadow, shadow, shadow, shadow, shadow, sharedMemory, sharpen, sharpen, sharpen, shave, shave, shave, shave, shear, shear, shear, sigmoidalContrast, sigmoidalContrast, sigmoidalContrast, silent, size, size, size, size, sketch, sketch, sketch, sketch, smush, smush, snaps, snaps, solarize, solarize, sparseColor, sparseColor, sparseColor, splice, splice, splice, splice, splice, splice, spread, spread, statistic, statistic, statistic, statistic, statistic, statistic, statistic, stegano, stegano, stereo, stereo, stereo, storageType, storageType, stretch, stretch, strip, stroke, stroke, strokewidth, strokewidth, style, style, subimageSearch, swap, swap, swap, swirl, swirl, synchronize, taint, textFont, textFont, texture, texture, threshold, threshold, threshold, threshold, threshold, threshold, thumbnail, thumbnail, thumbnail, thumbnail, thumbnail, tile, tile, tile, tile, tile, tile, tileOffset, tileOffset, tileOffset, tint, tint, title, title, transform, transparent, transparent, transparentColor, transparentColor, transpose, transverse, treedepth, treedepth, trim, type, type, undercolor, undercolor, uniqueColors, units, units, unsharp, unsharp, unsharp, unsharp, unsharp, update, update, verbose, version, view, view, vignette, vignette, vignette, vignette, vignette, vignette, virtualPixel, virtualPixel, visual, visual, watermark, watermark, wave, wave, wave, weight, weight, weight, whitePoint, whitePoint, whitePoint, whiteThreshold, whiteThreshold, whiteThreshold, window, window, windowGroup, write, write
Methods inherited from class org.im4java.core.Operation
addDynamicOperation, addImage, addImage, addImage, addOperation, addRawArgs, addRawArgs, cloneObject, getCmdArgs, getDynamicOperations, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NoiseFilter.Edge(IMOperation pOperation,
                        double pRadius)

The im4java Library, Version 1.4.0

Released under the LGPL, (c) Bernhard Bablok 2008-2010