The im4java Library, Version 1.4.0

Package org.im4java.core

Contains core classes for image-processing


Interface Summary
DynamicOperation This interface defines a DynamicOperation.

Class Summary
CompareCmd This class wraps the compare command.
CompositeCmd This class wraps the IM command composite.
ConvertCmd This class wraps the IM command convert.
DcrawCmd This class wraps the dcraw command.
DCRAWOperation This class models the command-line of dcraw.
DCRAWOps This class subclasses Operation and adds methods for all commandline options of dcraw.
DisplayCmd This class wraps the IM command display.
ETOperation This class models the command-line of exiftool.
ETOps This class subclasses Operation and adds methods for all commandline options of exiftool.
ExiftoolCmd This class wraps the exiftool command.
GMOperation This class models the command-line of GraphicsMagick.
GMOps This class subclasses Operation and adds methods for all commandline options of GraphicsMagick.
GraphicsMagickCmd This class wraps the GraphicsMagick command-set.
IdentifyCmd This class wraps the IM command identify.
ImageCommand This class implements the processing of image operations.
ImageMagickCmd This class wraps the ImageMagick command-set.
IMOperation This class models the command-line of ImageMagick.
IMOps This class subclasses Operation and adds methods for all commandline options of ImageMagick.
Info This class implements an image-information object.
JpegtranCmd This class wraps the jpegtran command.
JPTOperation This class models the command-line of jpegtran.
JPTOps This class subclasses Operation and adds methods for all commandline options of jpegtran.
MogrifyCmd This class wraps the IM command mogrify.
MontageCmd This class wraps the IM command montage.
Operation The base class for image-based commandline operations.
Stream2BufferedImage This helper class reads an InputStream and creates a BufferedImage.
UFRawCmd This class wraps the ufraw/ufraw-batch command.
UFRawOperation This class models the command-line of ufraw/ufraw-batch.
UFRawOps This class subclasses Operation and adds methods for all commandline options of ufraw.

Exception Summary
CommandException This class wraps exceptions during image-attribute retrivial.
IM4JavaException This class is the base class of all im4java -exceptions.
InfoException This class wraps exceptions during image-attribute retrivial.

Package org.im4java.core Description

Contains core classes for image-processing.


The im4java Library, Version 1.4.0

Released under the LGPL, (c) Bernhard Bablok 2008-2010